The Grapevine
To download the newsletter, click on the month in the left hand column of the table below
2024 | |
February | Spec ial members only event on Bromeliads. Feature: Zephyrlily |
January | Program: All About Us. A program that we create on the fly with uUpdates on what is happening here, picture sharing, etc. |
2023 | |
October | Program: Tia Silvasty. Community Native Planting Projects |
September | Program: Michael Jenkins, Florida Plant Conservation Program |
July | Program: Using videos and photographs for conservation by William Freund, President and Founder of fStop Foundation |
June | Program: To Weed or Not to Weed, That Is the Question by Susan Earley |
May | Program: User Sharing |
April | Program: What's Next at the USF Botanical Gardens by Craig Huegel |
March | Program: What is the Atlas of Florida Plants all About? Feature: Sedges, Rushes and Grasses |
February | Program: Are We at War with Nature?". Features: Words that Describe Flowers. |
January | Program: Pose Your Native Plant Gardening Question". Features: Awards, Words that Describe Leaves. |
2022 | |
November-December | Program: The adventure of owning an eco-friendly landscape company" by Troy Springer". Featured plant: Yaupon holly. |
October | Program: "Vision for the Future" by Lynda Davis. |
September | Program: " Florida's carnivorous plants" by Kenny Coogan. Featured Plant: Pine lily (Lilium catesbaei) |
July | Program: " Mermaids, Manatees, and other Marine Life!" by Dr. James "Buddy" Powell, Executive Director, Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute; Featured Plant: Scarlet morning-glory (Ipomoea hederacea) |
June | Probram: Anita Camacho. Butterflies. Featured Plant: Swamp milkweed.(Asclepias incarnata). |
May | Program: Member Sharing. Featured Plant: Beach sunflowers |
April | Program. Hillsborough County ELAPP Program and the Benefits of Fire by Rebecca Winch. Featured Plant: Trumpet vine, Campsis radicans. |
March | Program: Native Plant Gardening for Birds by the Nectary. Featured Plant: sky-blue lupine, Lupinus diffusus. |
February | Program: Neal Halstead, Skinks: Umbrellas for Central Florida Scrub Ecosystems, Featured Plant: Ash's Calamint, Calamintha ashei |
January | Program: What should I plant here? |
2021 | |
December | Special Feature: Tribute to Gar Reed. |
November | Program: Ginny Stibolt. Carnivorous Plants and bogs. Featured Plant: Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquifolia). |
October | Program: Member Sharing. Featured Plant: Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove (Aureolaria pedicularia var. pectinata) |
September | Program and Featured Plant Trichostema (blue curls). |
August | Program: Sarracenia Chaper with FNPS president Bonnie Basham as hosting Featured Plant: Firebush, Hamelia patens |
July | Program: Joint Meeting with Audubon and Sierra Featured Plant: Soft rush, Juncus effusus |
June | Program: Jeannie Mounger, USF Forest Preserve Featured Plant: Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis |
May | Program: Joel Jackson, Lettuce Lake Park Featured Plant: Tarflower, Bejaria racemosa |
April | Program: Randy Mears: Carex Featured Plant: Lance-leaf blanketflower, Gaillardia aestivalis |
March | Program: Jeff Norcini: Roadside Wildflowers Featured Plant: Purple thistle, Cirsium horridulum |
February | Program: Troy Springer: Lessons Learned Featured Plant: Houstonia procumbens |
January | Program: Shirley Denton: Going Beyond Oaks in Our Planted Landscapes Featured Plant: Red maple, Acer rubrum |
2020 | |
December | Program: Member sharing Featured Plant: Juniperus virginiana |
November | Program: Anita Camacho, Butterflies of Hillsborough County Featured Plant: Garberia heterophylla |
October | Program: Mimi Jenkins, Pollinator Decline Featured Plant: Liatris spicata |
September | Program: Janet Bowers, Quick Transformation of Turf into Natives Featured Plant: Monarda punctata |
August |
Featured Plant: Frogfruit, Phyla nodiflora |
July |
Valerie Anderson. Saving Spit Oak |
June |
Program: Randy Mears. Cyperus Species in Florida |
May |
Program: Virginia Overstreet. Why Native Plants |
April |
Program: Shirley Denton. Can I Grow it? / Should I Grow it Here? Implications of Moving Species Outside of Their Natural Ranges |
March |
Program: Troy Springer. Lessons learned in native plant landscaping |
February |
Program: John Miller. Florida Geology and its Influence on Florida Native Plants. Featured Plant: Zephyrlily, Zephranthes atamasca Proposed by-laws changes: marked up (delete and insert) Proposed by-laws: clean copy |
January |
Workshop: Using a Dichotomous Key led by Dr. Luanna Prevost |
2019 | |
November-December | Program: Nicole Cribbs, Gopher Tortoises and Tortoise Relocations, Featured Plant: American Holly, Ilex opaca |
October | Program: Brian Pinson, Manager, Hillsborough River State Park, "Molding the Landscape with Fire", Featured Plant: muhly grass, Muhlenbergia capillaris |
September | Program: Joel Jackson, "Native Habitats for Native Wildlife", Featured Plant: narrowleaf sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius |
July-August | Program: Lee Ann Rottman, "Conservation at Zoo Tampa", Featured Plant: swamp azalea, Rhododendron viscosum |
June | Program: Grayson McCormick, "Creating the Garden as a Fully Functioning Ecosystem", Featured Plant: beach sunflower, Helianthus debilis |
May | Program: Member Sharing Night, Featured Plant: Cherokee bean, Erithina herbacea |
April | Program: Arian Farid,"Importance of Macrofungi and Common Species in Our Area", Featured Plant: False indigobush, Amorpha fruticosa |
March | Program: John Lampkin,"From Click to Pic", Janet Bower's last newsletter |
February | Program: Chris Hanni, 2019 Board, Lyonia, Featured Plant: Rusty lyonia |
January | Program: Janet Bowers, 2019 Board, Monarchs and Milkweeds; Featured Plant:Salvia lyrata |
2018 | |
November | Program:John Lampkin;holiday party, Featured Plant: Andropogon glomeratus |
October |
Program: Ginny Stibolt ; Silver Springs Camping, Plant Sale; Janet's pool conversion; Featured Plant: Dotted horsemint ; Native Plant Month |
September | Program: George Heinrich; Boyd Hill and Blackwater Creek Field Trips, holiday party, October plant sale, BoD FNPS; Featured Plant: Saltmarsh Mallow |
July | Program: joint meeting, Florida Ziziphus, Featured Plant: Aristida stricta |
June | Program:Rachel Arndt,Troy Springer open house, Featured Plant: Gaillardia |
May | Program: Open Mic. Field Trip: Lettuce Lake, Featured Plant: Tickseed |
April | Program: Sea Level Rise (Tonya Clayton). Field Trip: Duette Preserve, Featured Plant: Dahoon Holly |
March | Program: Happy Trails to you (John Lampkin), Field Trip: Green Swamp East, Monarch Monitoring, Update on Suncoast native gardent |
February | Program: Species Ranges and Implications for Landscaping, Field Trip: Brooker Creek Headwaters Preserve, Special Feature: Puss Moth Caterpillar |
January | Thermoregulation and amphibian decline; Lettuce Lake Update |
2017 | |
November | Monarch migration, marlberry, insect eggs, thank you to Gar Reed, holiday party plans, need new board members |
October | Lopsided Indiangrass,medicinal plants, hurricane aftermath, connections with nature, upcoming events |
September | Saw Palmetto, snags, burning at Blackwater Creek, some state money for conservation land, garden status |
August | Frog Fruit, Phyla nodiflora, August Buying Trip, Book Reviews |
July | Bok Tower, Corkeystem passionflower, Joint meeting, Board Positions |
June | Lake Marion Creek, Fearless Leaders:Andy Taylor, FNPS 2017 Conference |
May | North Alabama, Fearless Leaders:Virginia Overstreet, St. Joe Peninsula, Lizard's Tail, Earth Day |
April | Plant Sale, Fearless Leaders: Tina Patterson, Netted Chain Fern - Woodwardia areolata |
March | Perico Preserve, Fearless Leaders:Gar Reed/Treasurer, Spring Events |
February | Monarchs and Milkweeds, Donna Bollenbach/President |
January | New Board, Self-Taught Experts, part II, Year End and New Year Reports |
2016 | |
November | Flatwoods Native Plant Garden, Jonathan Dickinson SP, Celestial Lilies |
October | Pine Lilies, HIstoric Spanish Point, October Events |
September | What's in a (botanical) name? Florida Native Plant Month |
August | Blackwater Creek |
July | Milkweed, Lettuce Lake, Flatwoods Park |
June | FNPS Conference, Palmetto Awards |
May | Lettuce Lake, Bok Tower, |
April | Lake Blue Scrub, Springing into April, Growing Future Scientists |
March | Why Natve Plants Matter? Corkscrew Swamp |
February | Inspiration: Words to Live By, The Garden as Wildlife Sanctuary, Where Have the Pygmy Pipes Gone? |
January | Past, Present & Future, Looking back at 2015 and Forward to 2016 |
2015 | |
November | Hypericum, Kissimmee Prairie |
October | FALL! Florida Native Plant Month! |
September | BUGS!, Book Review: Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape, USF Herbarium |
August | Blackwater Creek, Disney Preserve |
July | Lake Blue Scrub |
June | Westervelt Restoration Site, 2015 FNPS Conference, Native Nurseries in North Florida |
May | Roadside Wildflowers, Spring Wildlflowers: Kissimmee Prairie Preserve |
>April | Suwanneee State Park, A Bark of its Own (Trees) |
March | Upper Little Manatee River Nature Preserve, Bats |
February | Words that Describe Flowers, Balm Boyette Scrub Preserve |
January | Wolf Branch Creek, Words That Describe Inflorescents |
2014 | |
November | Duette Preserve, Words that describe Leaves |
October | Balm Scrub, Words to Describe Plants |
September | Bok Tower Gardens |
August | Alderman Ford Preserve |
July | Fish Hawk Creek Preserve, new SNPS website |
June | Corkscrew Swamp, What Plants Talk About, Hickey Creek Mitigation Park |
May | Little Manatee River State Park , Red Admiral Butteryfly, Polygala cruciata |
April | The Garden of Eden, Torreya State Park and Trail, Sumatra Bogs |
March | Serenova Tract of the Starkey Wilderness, 2014 Fieldtrip schedule |
February | Lower Green Swamp Preserve, Dead River Road, Botany 102 Simplified |
January | Botany 101 Simplified, Holiday Party |
2013 | |
November | Carphephorus corymbosus , Florida paintbrush, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, SNPS History |
October | Solidago fistulosa , Pinebaren Goldenrod, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park |
September | Amorpha fruticosa, False Indigobush, Botany 101: Flowers of the Aster Family |
August | Monarda punctata, Spotted Bee balm; Horsemint, Cypress Creek Preserve |
July | Crataegus marshallii, Parsley Haw; Parsley Hawthorn, Colt Creek, Flatwoods |
June | Zephyranthes atamasca, Z. atamasca var. treatiae, Z. simpsonii , Rain lily, zephyr lily, atamasco lily, FNPS 2013 Conference |
May | Saururus cernuus, Lizard’s Tail, Brooker Creek Headwaters Preserve |
April | Starry Rosinweed, Little Manatee River SP Preserve |
March | Erythrina herbacea, Cherokee bean, Coralbean, Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve, Gator Creek |
February | Tillandsia simulata , Florida Air Plant, Deadriver County Park, |
January | Plumbago zeylanica, Wild plumbago, Florida Water and Land Legacy |
2012 | |
November | No focus plant, Cockroach Bay Preserve Fieldtrip |
October | Muhlenbergia capillaris, Muhly grass, Thce Cockroach Bay Restoration Project, |
September | Eragrostis elliottii, Elliott’s lovegrass, Book Review: The New Traditional Garden by Michael Weishan, |
August | No focus plant, Green Isle Gardens Field trip, |
July | Heliotropium polyphyllum, Pineland Heliotrope, 2012 FNPS Conference Report |
June | Glandularia maritima, Beach verbena |
May | No focus plant,Book Review: Pilgrim in the Land of Alligators by Jeff Klinkenberg |
April | Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon holly, The History of Plant City, |
March | Ardisia escallonioides, Marlberry, Biography of Kellie Westervelt, Book Review: Bringing Nature Home: How You can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Doug Tallamy |
February | Sophora tomentosa, Yellow necklacepod, Crystal Springs Preserve |
January | Piloblephis rigida, Pennyroyal, Book Review: Florida Butterfly Caterpillars and their Host Plants by Marc Minno, Jeffrey Butler and Donald Hall |
2011 | |
December | Ilex ambigua, Carolina holly |
November | Verbesina virginica, White crownbeard |
October | Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush |
September | Cephalanthus occidentalis, Common Buttonbush |
August | Ctenium aromaticum, Toothache Grass |
July | Chamaecrista fasciculata, partridge pea |
June | Cnidosculus stimulosus, tread-softly |
May | Hypericum tenuifolium (=H. reductum), Atlantic St. John's wort |
April | Vaccinium arborescens, Sparkleberry |
March | Linaria canadense, old-field toadflax |
February | Gelesium sempervirens, Carolina jessamine |
January | Ulmus alata, winged elm |
2010 | |
November | Symphyotrichum carolinianum, climbing aster |
October | Taxodium ascendens, pond cypress |
September | Pityopsis graminifolia, silk-grass, goldenaster |
August | Phytolacca americana, Pokeweed |
July | Salvia lyrata, Tropical sage |
June | Dyschoriste oblongifolia, Twinflower |
May | Berlandiera subacaulis, Florida greeneyes |
April | Scutellaria integrifolia, rough skullcap |
March | Avicennia germinans, black mangrove |
February | Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana, wiregrass |
January | Stachytarpheta jamaicense, blue porterweed |
2009 | |
December | Juniperus virginiana, eastern red cedar |
November | Andropogon glomeratus, bushy bluestem |
October | Liatris tenuifolia, blazing-star |
September | Ocimum campechianum, sweet basil |
August | Encyclia tampaneis, butterfly orchid |
July | Senna ligustrina, privet wild sensitive plant, privet senna |
June | Phyla nodiflora, frogfruit |
May | Galactia elliottii, Elliott's milkpea |
April | Lupinus diffusus, sky blue lupine |
March | Scaevola plumieri, inkberry |
February | Calamintha ashei, Ashe's calaminth |
January | Psychotria sulzneri, velvetleaf wild-coffee |
2008 | |
December | Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly |
November | Panicum virgatum, switchgrass |
October | Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush |
September | Rivina humilis, rouge plant, bloodberry |
August | Sabal palmetto, cabbage palm, sabal palm |
July | No focus plant |
June | Helianthus debilis, beach sunflower |
May | Celtis laevigata, sugarberry |
April | Parthenocissus quinquifolia, woodbine, Virginia creeper |
March | Glandularia tampensis , Tampa verbena |
February | Quercus geminata, sand live oak |
January | Acacia farnesiana, sweet acacia |
2007 | |
December | Ilex cassine, dahoon holly |
November | No focus plant |
October | Muhlenbergia capillaris, muhlygrass |
September | No focus plant |
August | Eryngium yuccifolium, rattlesnake master |
July | Equisetum hyemale, scouring-rush |
June | Gallardia pulchella, gallardia, blanketflower |
May | No focus plant |
April | Hypericum hypericoides, St. Andrew's wort |
March | Ardisia escallonioides, marlberry |
February | Salvia lyrata, lyreleaf sage |
January | Itea virginica, sweetspire, Virginia-willow |
2006 | |
December | Lycium carolinianum, Christmasberry |
November | Callicarpa americana, beautyberry |
October | Eragrostis, purple lovegrass |
September | Juncus effusus, soft rush |
July | Ipomoea hederifolia, scarlet morningglory |
June | Hibiscus coccineus, scarlet hibiscus |
May | Pontederia cordata, pickerelweed |
April | Erythrina herbacea, coralbean |
March | Aesculus pavia, red buckeye |
February | Cercis canadensis, eastern redbud |
January | Sophora tomentosa, yellow necklacepod |
2005 | |
December | Passiflora suberosa, corkystem passionflower |
November | Solidago fistulosa, pinebaren goldenrod |
October | Cornus foemina, swamp dogwood; cornel |
September | Hibiscus coccinea, scarlet hibiscus, scarlet rosemallow |
August | Crataegus marshalii, parsley haw; parsley hawthorn |
July | Monarda punctata, spotted bee balm; horsemint |
June | No focus plant |
May | Coreopsis leavenworthii, Leavenworth's tickseed |
April | Hydrangea quercifolius, oakleaf hydrangea, graybeard |
March | Silphium asteriscus, starry rosinweed |
February | Tillandsia simulata, Florida air plant |
January | Anemia adiantifolia, maidenhair pineland fern |
2004 | |
December | No focus plant |
November | Sabal etonia, scrub palmetto |
October | Capsicum annuum, bird pepper |
September | No focus plant |
August | Hymenocallis latifolia, spider lily |
July | Licania michauxii, gopher-apple |
June | Sporobolus junceus, pineywoods dropseed |
May | Mimosa strigillosa, powderpuff |
April | Arisaema triphyllum, Jack-in-the-pulpit |
March | Clematis baldwinii, pine-hyacinth |
February | Prunus angustifolia, chickasaw plum |
January | Chaptalia tomentosa, wooly sunbonnets; pineland daisy |
2003 | |
December | |
November | Aster carolinensis, climbing aster |
October | Aureolaria pedicularia var. pectinata, fernleaf yellow false-foxglove |
September | Ipomopsis rubra, standing cypress, Spanish larkspur |
August | Teucreum canadensis, wood-save, Canadian germander |
July | Myrcianthes fragrans, Simpson’s stopper; twinberry stopper |
June | Castanea pumila, chinquapin |
May | Amorpha fruticosa, false-indigobush |
April | Oenothera laciniata, cutleaf evening primrose |
March | Zephyranthes atamasca, rain lily, zephyr lily, atamasco lily |
February | Samolus ebracteatus, water pimpernel |
January | Piloblephis rigida, pennyroyal |
2002 | |
November | Palafoxia integrifolia, Coastal-plain palafox |
October | Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush |
September | Helianthus angustifolius, narrow-leaf sunflower, swamp sunflower |
August | Ipomoea pescaprae subsp. brasiliensis, railroad vine |
July | Heliotropium polyphyllum, pineland heliotrope |
June | Sarurus cernuus, lizard's tail |
May | Sabatia bartramii, Bartram's marsh pink |
April | Saracennia minor, hooded pitcherplant |
March | Rhododendron viscosum, wild azalea |
February | Quercus laevis, turkey oak |
January | Pinus palustris, longleaf pine |
2001 | |
December | winter plants |
November | Pteroglosapsis ecristata, wild coco |
October | Sorgastrum secundum, lopsided Indiangrass |
September | Pityopsis graminifolia, silkgrass, goldenaster |
August | Crataegus marshalii, parsley haw |
July | Licania michauxii, gopher-apple |
June | Passiflora lutea, yellow passion-flower |
May | Scutellaria integrifolia, rough skullcap |
April | Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly |