The Grapevine

To download the newsletter, click on the month in the left hand column of the table below

February Spec ial members only event on Bromeliads.  Feature: Zephyrlily
January Program:  All About Us.  A program that we create on the fly with uUpdates on what is happening here, picture sharing, etc.
October Program:  Tia Silvasty.  Community Native Planting Projects
September Program:  Michael Jenkins, Florida Plant Conservation Program
July Program:  Using videos and photographs for conservation by William Freund, President and Founder of fStop Foundation
June Program:  To Weed or Not to Weed, That Is the Question by Susan Earley
May Program:  User Sharing
April Program:  What's Next at the USF Botanical Gardens by Craig Huegel
March Program: What is the Atlas of Florida Plants all About?  Feature: Sedges, Rushes and Grasses
February Program:  Are We at War with Nature?".  Features:  Words that Describe Flowers.
January Program:  Pose Your Native Plant Gardening Question".  Features: Awards, Words that Describe Leaves.
November-December Program:  The adventure of owning an eco-friendly landscape company" by Troy Springer".  Featured plant: Yaupon holly.
October Program:  "Vision for the Future" by Lynda Davis.
September Program:  " Florida's carnivorous plants" by Kenny Coogan.  Featured Plant:  Pine lily (Lilium catesbaei)
July Program:  " Mermaids, Manatees, and other Marine Life!" by Dr. James "Buddy" Powell,  Executive Director, Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute; Featured Plant:  Scarlet morning-glory (Ipomoea hederacea)
June Probram:  Anita Camacho.  Butterflies.   Featured Plant:  Swamp milkweed.(Asclepias incarnata).
May Program:  Member Sharing.  Featured Plant:  Beach sunflowers
April Program.  Hillsborough County ELAPP Program and the Benefits of Fire by Rebecca Winch. Featured Plant: Trumpet vine, Campsis radicans.
March Program:  Native Plant Gardening for Birds by the Nectary.  Featured Plant: sky-blue lupine, Lupinus diffusus.
February Program:  Neal Halstead, Skinks: Umbrellas for Central Florida Scrub Ecosystems, Featured Plant: Ash's Calamint, Calamintha ashei
January Program:  What should I plant here?
December Special Feature:  Tribute to Gar Reed.
November Program:  Ginny Stibolt.  Carnivorous Plants and bogs.  Featured Plant:  Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquifolia).
October Program:  Member Sharing.  Featured Plant:  Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove (Aureolaria pedicularia var. pectinata)
September Program and Featured Plant  Trichostema (blue curls).  
August Program: Sarracenia Chaper with FNPS president Bonnie Basham as hosting
Featured Plant: Firebush, Hamelia patens
July Program: Joint Meeting with Audubon and Sierra
Featured Plant: Soft rush, Juncus effusus
June Program: Jeannie Mounger, USF Forest Preserve
Featured Plant: Buttonbush, Cephalanthus occidentalis
May Program: Joel Jackson, Lettuce Lake Park
Featured Plant: Tarflower, Bejaria racemosa
April Program: Randy Mears: Carex
Featured Plant: Lance-leaf blanketflower, Gaillardia aestivalis
March Program: Jeff Norcini: Roadside Wildflowers
Featured Plant: Purple thistle, Cirsium horridulum
February Program: Troy Springer: Lessons Learned
Featured Plant:  Houstonia procumbens
January Program: Shirley Denton: Going Beyond Oaks in Our Planted Landscapes
Featured Plant: Red maple, Acer rubrum
December Program: Member sharing
Featured Plant:  Juniperus virginiana
November Program: Anita Camacho, Butterflies of Hillsborough County
Featured Plant:  Garberia heterophylla
October Program: Mimi Jenkins, Pollinator Decline
Featured Plant:  Liatris spicata
September Program: Janet Bowers, Quick Transformation of Turf into Natives
Featured Plant:  Monarda punctata

Featured Plant: Frogfruit, Phyla nodiflora


  Valerie Anderson. Saving Spit Oak
Special feature: Partridge pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata


Program:  Randy Mears. Cyperus Species in Florida
Featured Plant:  Saw Palmetto, Serenoa repens


Program:  Virginia Overstreet. Why Native Plants
Featured Plant:  Butterfly Weed, Asclepias tuberosa


Program:  Shirley Denton. Can I Grow it? / Should I Grow it Here? Implications of Moving Species Outside of Their Natural Ranges
Featured Plant:  Pricklypoppies, Argemone albiflora and A. mexicana


Program:  Troy Springer.  Lessons learned in native plant landscaping
Featured Plant:  Fringe tree, Chionothus virginicus


Program:  John Miller.  Florida Geology and its Influence on Florida Native Plants.  Featured Plant: Zephyrlily, Zephranthes atamasca

Proposed by-laws changes:  marked up (delete and insert)

Proposed by-laws:  clean copy


Workshop: Using a Dichotomous Key led by Dr. Luanna Prevost
Featured Plant:  Yaupon Holly, Ilex vomitoria

November-December Program: Nicole Cribbs, Gopher Tortoises and Tortoise Relocations, Featured Plant:  American Holly, Ilex opaca
October Program: Brian Pinson, Manager, Hillsborough River State Park, "Molding the Landscape with Fire", Featured Plant: muhly grass, Muhlenbergia capillaris
September Program: Joel Jackson, "Native Habitats for Native Wildlife", Featured Plant: narrowleaf sunflower, Helianthus angustifolius
July-August Program: Lee Ann Rottman, "Conservation at Zoo Tampa", Featured Plant:  swamp azalea, Rhododendron viscosum
June Program: Grayson McCormick, "Creating the Garden as a Fully Functioning Ecosystem", Featured Plant:  beach sunflower, Helianthus debilis
May Program: Member Sharing Night, Featured Plant: Cherokee bean, Erithina herbacea
April Program: Arian Farid,"Importance of Macrofungi and Common Species in Our Area", Featured Plant:  False indigobush, Amorpha fruticosa
March Program: John Lampkin,"From Click to Pic", Janet Bower's last newsletter
February Program: Chris Hanni, 2019 Board, Lyonia, Featured Plant: Rusty lyonia
January Program: Janet Bowers, 2019 Board, Monarchs and Milkweeds; Featured Plant:Salvia lyrata
November Program:John Lampkin;holiday party, Featured Plant: Andropogon glomeratus

Program: Ginny Stibolt ;  Silver Springs Camping, Plant Sale; Janet's pool conversion; Featured Plant: Dotted horsemint ; Native Plant Month 

September Program: George Heinrich;  Boyd Hill and Blackwater Creek Field Trips, holiday party, October plant sale, BoD FNPS; Featured Plant: Saltmarsh Mallow
July Program: joint meeting, Florida Ziziphus, Featured Plant: Aristida stricta
June Program:Rachel Arndt,Troy Springer open house, Featured Plant: Gaillardia
May Program: Open Mic. Field Trip: Lettuce Lake, Featured Plant: Tickseed
April Program:  Sea Level Rise (Tonya Clayton). Field Trip: Duette Preserve, Featured Plant:  Dahoon Holly
March Program:  Happy Trails to you (John Lampkin), Field Trip: Green Swamp East, Monarch Monitoring, Update on Suncoast native gardent
February Program:  Species Ranges and Implications for Landscaping, Field Trip: Brooker Creek Headwaters Preserve, Special Feature:  Puss Moth Caterpillar
January Thermoregulation and amphibian decline; Lettuce Lake Update
November Monarch migration, marlberry, insect eggs, thank you to Gar Reed, holiday party plans, need new board members
October Lopsided Indiangrass,medicinal plants, hurricane aftermath, connections with nature, upcoming events
September Saw Palmetto, snags, burning at Blackwater Creek, some state money for conservation land, garden status
August Frog Fruit, Phyla nodiflora, August Buying Trip, Book Reviews
July Bok Tower, Corkeystem passionflower, Joint meeting, Board Positions
June Lake Marion Creek, Fearless Leaders:Andy Taylor, FNPS 2017 Conference
May                          North Alabama, Fearless Leaders:Virginia Overstreet, St. Joe Peninsula, Lizard's Tail, Earth Day
April Plant Sale, Fearless Leaders: Tina Patterson, Netted Chain Fern - Woodwardia areolata
March Perico Preserve, Fearless Leaders:Gar Reed/Treasurer, Spring Events
February Monarchs and Milkweeds, Donna Bollenbach/President 
January New Board, Self-Taught Experts, part II, Year End and New Year Reports 
November Flatwoods Native Plant Garden, Jonathan Dickinson SP, Celestial Lilies
October Pine Lilies, HIstoric Spanish Point, October Events
September What's in a (botanical) name? Florida Native Plant Month
August Blackwater Creek
July Milkweed, Lettuce Lake, Flatwoods Park
June FNPS Conference, Palmetto Awards
May Lettuce Lake, Bok Tower, 
April  Lake Blue Scrub, Springing into April, Growing Future Scientists
March Why Natve Plants Matter? Corkscrew Swamp
February Inspiration: Words to Live By,  The Garden as Wildlife Sanctuary, Where Have the Pygmy Pipes Gone?
January  Past, Present & Future, Looking back at 2015 and Forward to 2016
November Hypericum, Kissimmee Prairie     
October FALL! Florida Native Plant Month! 
September BUGS!, Book Review: Maintaining a Florida Native Landscape, USF Herbarium
August  Blackwater Creek, Disney Preserve
July Lake Blue Scrub
June Westervelt Restoration Site, 2015 FNPS Conference, Native Nurseries in North Florida
May Roadside Wildflowers, Spring Wildlflowers: Kissimmee Prairie Preserve 
>April Suwanneee State Park, A Bark of its Own (Trees)
March Upper Little Manatee River Nature Preserve, Bats
February Words that Describe Flowers, Balm Boyette Scrub Preserve
January Wolf Branch Creek, Words That Describe Inflorescents
November Duette Preserve, Words that describe Leaves
October  Balm Scrub, Words to Describe Plants
September Bok Tower Gardens
August Alderman Ford Preserve
July Fish Hawk Creek Preserve, new SNPS website
June Corkscrew Swamp, What Plants Talk About, Hickey Creek Mitigation Park
May Little Manatee River State Park , Red Admiral Butteryfly, Polygala cruciata
April The Garden of Eden, Torreya State Park and Trail,  Sumatra Bogs
March Serenova Tract of the Starkey Wilderness, 2014 Fieldtrip schedule
February Lower Green Swamp Preserve, Dead River Road, Botany 102 Simplified
January Botany 101 Simplified,  Holiday Party
November Carphephorus corymbosus , Florida paintbrush, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park, SNPS History
October Solidago fistulosa , Pinebaren Goldenrod, Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park 
September Amorpha fruticosa, False Indigobush, Botany 101: Flowers of the Aster Family
August Monarda punctata, Spotted Bee balm; Horsemint, Cypress Creek Preserve
July Crataegus marshallii, Parsley Haw; Parsley Hawthorn, Colt Creek, Flatwoods
June Zephyranthes atamasca, Z. atamasca var. treatiae, Z. simpsonii , Rain lily, zephyr lily, atamasco lily, FNPS 2013 Conference
May Saururus cernuus, Lizard’s Tail, Brooker Creek Headwaters Preserve
April Starry Rosinweed, Little Manatee River SP Preserve
March Erythrina herbacea, Cherokee bean, Coralbean, Wolf Creek Trout Lily Preserve, Gator Creek 
February Tillandsia simulata , Florida Air Plant, Deadriver County Park, 
January Plumbago zeylanica, Wild plumbago, Florida Water and Land Legacy
November No focus plant, Cockroach Bay Preserve Fieldtrip 
October Muhlenbergia capillaris, Muhly grass, Thce Cockroach Bay Restoration Project, 
September Eragrostis elliottii, Elliott’s lovegrass, Book Review: The New Traditional Garden by Michael Weishan, 
August No focus plant, Green Isle Gardens Field trip, 
July Heliotropium polyphyllum, Pineland Heliotrope, 2012 FNPS Conference Report
June Glandularia maritima, Beach verbena
May No focus plant,Book Review: Pilgrim in the Land of Alligators by Jeff Klinkenberg
April Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon holly, The History of Plant City, 
March Ardisia escallonioides, Marlberry, Biography of Kellie Westervelt, Book Review: Bringing Nature Home: How You can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants by Doug Tallamy
February Sophora tomentosa, Yellow necklacepod, Crystal Springs Preserve
January Piloblephis rigida, Pennyroyal, Book Review: Florida Butterfly Caterpillars and their Host Plants by Marc Minno, Jeffrey Butler and Donald Hall
December Ilex ambigua, Carolina holly
November Verbesina virginica, White crownbeard
October Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush
September Cephalanthus occidentalis, Common Buttonbush
August Ctenium aromaticum, Toothache Grass
July Chamaecrista fasciculata, partridge pea
June Cnidosculus stimulosus, tread-softly
May Hypericum tenuifolium (=H. reductum), Atlantic St. John's wort
April Vaccinium arborescens, Sparkleberry
March Linaria canadense, old-field toadflax
February Gelesium sempervirens, Carolina jessamine
January Ulmus alata, winged elm
November Symphyotrichum carolinianum, climbing aster
October Taxodium ascendens, pond cypress
September Pityopsis graminifolia, silk-grass, goldenaster
August Phytolacca americana, Pokeweed
July Salvia lyrata, Tropical sage
June Dyschoriste oblongifolia, Twinflower
May Berlandiera subacaulis, Florida greeneyes
April Scutellaria integrifolia, rough skullcap
March Avicennia germinans, black mangrove
February Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana, wiregrass
January Stachytarpheta jamaicense, blue porterweed
December Juniperus virginiana, eastern red cedar
November Andropogon glomeratus, bushy bluestem
October Liatris tenuifolia, blazing-star
September Ocimum campechianum, sweet basil
August Encyclia tampaneis, butterfly orchid
July Senna ligustrina, privet wild sensitive plant, privet senna
June Phyla nodiflora, frogfruit
May Galactia elliottii, Elliott's milkpea
April Lupinus diffusus, sky blue lupine
March Scaevola plumieri, inkberry
February Calamintha ashei, Ashe's calaminth
January Psychotria sulzneri, velvetleaf wild-coffee
December Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly
November Panicum virgatum, switchgrass
October Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush
September Rivina humilis, rouge plant, bloodberry
August Sabal palmetto, cabbage palm, sabal palm
July No focus plant
June Helianthus debilis, beach sunflower
May Celtis laevigata, sugarberry
April Parthenocissus quinquifolia, woodbine, Virginia creeper
March Glandularia tampensis , Tampa verbena
February Quercus geminata, sand live oak
January Acacia farnesiana, sweet acacia
December Ilex cassine, dahoon holly
November No focus plant
October Muhlenbergia capillaris, muhlygrass
September No focus plant
August Eryngium yuccifolium, rattlesnake master
July Equisetum hyemale, scouring-rush
June Gallardia pulchella, gallardia, blanketflower
May No focus plant
April Hypericum hypericoides, St. Andrew's wort
March Ardisia escallonioides, marlberry
February Salvia lyrata, lyreleaf sage
January Itea virginica, sweetspire, Virginia-willow
December Lycium carolinianum, Christmasberry
November Callicarpa americana, beautyberry
October Eragrostis, purple lovegrass
September Juncus effusus, soft rush
July Ipomoea hederifolia, scarlet morningglory
June Hibiscus coccineus, scarlet hibiscus
May Pontederia cordata, pickerelweed
April Erythrina herbacea, coralbean
March Aesculus pavia, red buckeye
February Cercis canadensis, eastern redbud
January Sophora tomentosa, yellow necklacepod
December Passiflora suberosa, corkystem passionflower
November Solidago fistulosa, pinebaren goldenrod
October Cornus foemina, swamp dogwood; cornel
September Hibiscus coccinea, scarlet hibiscus, scarlet rosemallow
August Crataegus marshalii, parsley haw; parsley hawthorn
July Monarda punctata, spotted bee balm; horsemint
June No focus plant
May Coreopsis leavenworthii, Leavenworth's tickseed
April Hydrangea quercifolius, oakleaf hydrangea, graybeard
March Silphium asteriscus, starry rosinweed
February Tillandsia simulata, Florida air plant
January Anemia adiantifolia, maidenhair pineland fern
December No focus plant
November Sabal etonia, scrub palmetto
October Capsicum annuum, bird pepper
September No focus plant
August Hymenocallis latifolia, spider lily
July Licania michauxii, gopher-apple
June Sporobolus junceus, pineywoods dropseed
May Mimosa strigillosa, powderpuff
April Arisaema triphyllum, Jack-in-the-pulpit
March Clematis baldwinii, pine-hyacinth
February Prunus angustifolia, chickasaw plum
January Chaptalia tomentosa, wooly sunbonnets; pineland daisy
November Aster carolinensis, climbing aster
October Aureolaria pedicularia var. pectinata, fernleaf yellow false-foxglove
September Ipomopsis rubra, standing cypress, Spanish larkspur
August Teucreum canadensis, wood-save, Canadian germander
July Myrcianthes fragrans, Simpson’s stopper; twinberry stopper
June Castanea pumila, chinquapin
May Amorpha fruticosa, false-indigobush
April Oenothera laciniata, cutleaf evening primrose
March Zephyranthes atamasca, rain lily, zephyr lily, atamasco lily
February Samolus ebracteatus, water pimpernel
January Piloblephis rigida, pennyroyal
November Palafoxia integrifolia, Coastal-plain palafox
October Carphephorus corymbosus, Florida paintbrush
September Helianthus angustifolius, narrow-leaf sunflower, swamp sunflower
August Ipomoea pescaprae subsp. brasiliensis, railroad vine
July Heliotropium polyphyllum, pineland heliotrope
June Sarurus cernuus, lizard's tail
May Sabatia bartramii, Bartram's marsh pink
April Saracennia minor, hooded pitcherplant
March Rhododendron viscosum, wild azalea
February Quercus laevis, turkey oak
January Pinus palustris, longleaf pine
December winter plants
November Pteroglosapsis ecristata, wild coco
October Sorgastrum secundum, lopsided Indiangrass
September Pityopsis graminifolia, silkgrass, goldenaster
August Crataegus marshalii, parsley haw
July Licania michauxii, gopher-apple
June Passiflora lutea, yellow passion-flower
May Scutellaria integrifolia, rough skullcap
April Ilex vomitoria, yaupon holly