
Suncoast Native Plant Society Small Grants Program

Please read these instructions and include all the requested information before submitting your grant request. 

Purpose: The purpose of SNPS Grant Program is to educate the community about the benefits of the use of Florida native plants.

Eligibility: Any nonprofit conservation oriented organization or school is eligible to apply for funds.
Criteria: Projects that will be considered for funding include (but are not restricted to) the use of Florida native plants in landscaping, teaching, publications, and research.

Award Amount: Awards are made up to $500.

Grant Period: Grants are normally awarded for up to one year.

Application: The application shall be not more than two pages in length (single spaced) and shall contain the following information: 

  1. Name of Organization submitting the proposal.

  2. Name, address, and phone number of the contact person.

  3. Target audience.

  4. Project description.

  5. Proposed budget.

  6. Duration and completion date.

Dates: Awards will normally be made within (60) days after the application is received.

Requirements: Recipients are required to present a report when the project is completed. It is suggested but not required that either an article be written for publication in the Society's newsletter The Suncoast Grapevine or that a program be presented at one of our monthly membership meetings to provide SNPS members with an opportunity to experience how the word is being spread about the use of Florida native plants.

As long as you include all the required information, you do not need a special form to apply for a grant.

Submit the completed grant request via email  to, chapter secretary, or to any other officer listed in the newsletter. You can also print and mail  to:
Suncoast Native Plant Society, PO Box 1158, Seffner, FL 33583-1158